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A Christian Private School for Bright Students with Learning Differences

Success for Every Learner


Students who enroll at Bridge Prep may have learning differences, and need instruction that is tailored to their strengths and interests, and accommodates their weaknesses. Some may need executive function and study skills support. Others may simply be underachieving academically or socially in a large school environment, and need small, individualized classes and one-on-one support. 

All students enjoy the same Bridge Prep experience—a safe, Christ-centered, and nurturing learning environment where they are encouraged to explore their interests and passions, engage in leadership and service opportunities, and develop lifelong friendships. The result is confidence and success for all kinds of learners, in and outside of school.

Bridge Prep Warriors are prepared to achieve success on whatever path they choose after high school. Whether attending a 4-year university, community college, vocational school, or entering the workforce, they can be confident that they have the life skills and academic skills to thrive.

See Us In Action

Back-To-School Breakfast Host by BPA Parents

Art Class at Catapult Gallery

Art Class at Catapult Gallery READ MORE

Hispanic Heritage Month

SALT Voting

Students voting for 2023-2024 SALT OfficersREAD MORE

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Monday February 17
Monday March 10
Tuesday March 11
Wednesday March 12
Thursday March 13

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